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A jeepney is/was originally and old style Jeep that had been cut apart and extended, to make room for more stuff or people on board.

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Q: What kind of vehicle is jeepney?
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What has invented by Leonardo sarao?

Leonardo Sarao is known for inventing the "Sarao Jeepney," a type of public transportation vehicle commonly found in the Philippines. The Sarao Jeepney is known for its colorful decorations and unique design, reflecting the vibrant culture of the Philippines.

Why flies inside the jeepney is not moving while the jeepney is moving?

Flies inside a moving jeepney may appear to not be moving relative to the vehicle because they are also moving at the same speed as the jeepney. This creates the illusion that they are stationary when in reality they are in motion along with the rest of the surroundings inside the jeepney.

What is the plural of jeepney?

The plural form of the noun 'jeepney' is jeepneys.

What are the different types of vehicles?

The different kind of vehicles are planes, cars, bus, trucks, motorcycle, bicycle, helicopters, jeepney, train.

What is the meaning of teheras in filipino?

"Teheras" in Filipino refers to a row of seats in a passenger vehicle, especially a jeepney or bus. It is typically located at the back of the vehicle and is known for being cramped but often the most affordable seating option.

What happen when a train collides with a jeepney?

If a train going at a high rate of speed collides with a vehicle, it will almost assuredly totally destroy the vehicle and kill the people in it. Though chances of survival are better when the train is going a slow speed, the devastation to the vehicle and occupants of the vehicle is still very likely to be grave.

Who invented jeepney?

tayler zass

Who invented jeepney in the Philippines?


When is jeepney invented?

Leonardo sarao

What is the kinetic energy of the jeepney?

The kinetic energy of a jeepney depends on its mass and velocity. The kinetic energy equation is KE = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2. Given the mass and velocity of the jeepney, the kinetic energy can be calculated using this formula.

What country has the only one that have a jeepney?


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