A brand new car should have very little mileage. It can have a few hundred miles based on journeys to and from factories or showrooms and also from test drives with customers.
The Polo, a model of Volkswagen, is a new hybrid type automobile that features a petro-engine and a 45 miles to the gallon. The mileage makes the car worth the price.
Low mileage is the deciding factor of whether a car is new or old.
buy a new car
NO. A car mileage represent not only the engine, but the total depreciation of the car. like, gear, chasis, stearing system , electrical system etc....
It depends on what kind of mileage your car gets and how many miles you drive.
The best offer to find car rental service of unlimited mileage is to see the website rentalcars.com and you can have your car in every country. To go in new york you can do by this website
100 miles.
How fast the mileage can be used up is one of the best ways to find out what the worth of the car is and therefore the new price you can sell it for.
I recommend a high mileage oil such as Pennzoil High Mileage in the weight the manufacture of the vehicle recommends.
The gasoline that is recommended by the manufacturer is the best fuel to use.
If the car was taken care of and serviced regularly then this is not really high mileage. It is not low mileage either. Expect to spend money on some repairs on a car with this mileage. If the car has been neglected then this is high mileage.
The mileage is how many miles the car has travelled, the total mileage is shown on the speedometer dial.