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Q: What kind of machine pulls things?
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What are the things trucks pull in truck pulls?

It's real name is "WEIGHT TRANSFER MACHINE". But, more commonly known as a "SLED".

What kind of simple machine is a tack?

A tack is a type of wedge, which is a simple machine that is used to push things apart or hold things together.

What is the name of the force that pulls things forward?

The force that pulls things forward is called "thrust."

What does a machine actually do?

It depends on what kind your talking about because they can al sorts of things.

What kind of simple machine is window blinds?

a window is a froggy

What kind of things does a vending machine sell?

candy bars, crackers, chips, juice

What are pushes and pulls?

pushes and pulls are things you do when energy is applied

What is the name of the agriculture machine which pulls the grass from the fields?

This is called a Bailer

What kind of a simple machine is a piano stool?

well it is a lever bacause a lever is used to adjust things

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What is a force beginning with G that pulls something together?

Gravitational force (or gravity) is a force that pulls things together.

What other kind of machine is a special kind of lever?

wedge is another simple machine kind of lever