87 Octane providing that is does not "ping" excessively - if so go to an 89 Octane
1.1 hours
take it to a mechanic
I will take about 1hr and will cost $300.00
Red, 5 year, HOAT type.
buy a junkyard cluster or take your cluster apart and move them free.....
A 2003 Dodge Neon does not come with a passenger side deactivation switch. The only way to turn it off would be to take the airbag fuse out but that will disable all the airbags and you will have a constant flashing light on in your dash.
Take it to your favorite garage and let a pro perform the work.
1995-2000 uses green. 2001-2005 uses red.
A very thorough visual inspection, or take it to a machine shop for testing with special tools.