Only vehicles that are Flex Fuel vehicles can burn E85. How many there are is of no consequence.
Heyy I'm dum
A shot of fuel.
coal and then diesel
yes, a lot more,
There are show great things you can use. One of them is to use Fuel Infusion. It helps your engine burn fuel more efficiently. Most cars burn their fuel at 93-97% efficiency.
Impossible. Water itself is not a fuel and will not burn so therefore it cannot be used as a fuel for an automobile. If you figure out how to burn water you will be a very rich person.
High octane kerosene
Hydrogen gas
It depends on the type of race car you are talking about. For example:NASCAR engines burn 110-octane leaded gasoline.Indy cars burn pure methanol (a.k.a. wood alcohol, CH3OH).Top Fuel dragsters and funny cars burn nitromethane (CH3NO2).
fuel gas
One of the things i am doing to get my car more fuel efficient is to use a fuel catalyst. Most cars burn their fuel at 93-97% efficiency, leaving the unburned fuel as hydrocarbon deposits in the combustion chamber. Fuel Infusion helps your engine burn fuel more efficiently.