Someone can go about getting an extended warranty on a Ford vehicle through the Ford website. They have details on their extended service plan and how to get one.
Lapsed means that you have run out of time or expired. For example, the extended warranty you purchased for your Ford F 150 has lapsed so the repairs for your new transmission will be out of pocket.
The dash must be removed. dealer charges about 10 hours at about $110.00 PH. Ford extended warranty does NOT cover this. Part will cost less then $50.00 Good luck
The drivetrain warranty of the 2013 Ford Focus is 5 yr./ 60000 mi..
The drivetrain warranty of the 2005 Ford Escape is 3 yr./ 36000 mi.
The drivetrain warranty of the 2009 Ford Taurus is 5 yr./ 60000 mi.
The 2008 Ford Focus has a 3 yr./ 36000 mi. basic warranty.
The 2008 Ford Fusion has a 3 yr./ 36000 mi. basic warranty.
The drivetrain warranty of the 2012 Ford Escape is 5 yr./ 60000 mi..
The 2008 Ford Expedition has a 3 yr./ 36000 mi. basic warranty.
The 2010 Ford Focus has a 3 yr./ 36000 mi. basic warranty.
The drivetrain warranty of the 2010 Ford Escape is 5 yr./ 60000 mi..