You should use a 50/50 blend of a good commercial antifreeze that is sold everywhere!
what are the vavle timing mark's for a 1994 Plymouth acclaim
how do you change rear wheel bearing in 1994 Plymouth acclaim
where is the timing mark for Plymouth acclaim 1994 2.5 liter?
The front axle nut on a 1994 Plymouth Acclaim is 32mm OD. A 32mm axle nut socket should be available at most parts stores.
It is in the fuel tank.
Go to or call them.
you have to remove the dash
Usually between the fuel tank and the engine. Ok, it is near the fuel tank, on the passenger side. I have a 1994 Plymouth Acclaim I hope it is in the same spot as yours.
Usually behind the glove box area
On your 1994 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM, the FLASHER is: FRONT SEATING AREA, PASSENGER SIDE, UNDER DASH, MOUNTED BEHIND GLOVE COMPARTMENT You can find this stuff free at, repair info, component location.
The engine computer, behind the battery, is the voltage regulator.