Axel Foley, played by Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop 2, drove a Chevrolet Nova. The Nova was a compact car produced by Chevrolet from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s. In the movie, the Nova was depicted as a reliable and inconspicuous vehicle that helped Foley navigate the streets of Beverly Hills during his investigations.
Sylvester Stallone
Axel Foley, the character played by Eddie Murphy in the "Beverly Hills Cop" movie series, has been in prison twice in the films - once in the original "Beverly Hills Cop" and again in "Beverly Hills Cop II."
Beverly Hills Cop
The cast of Beverly Hills Cop IV - 2014 includes: Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley
Beverly Hills Cop
Beverly hills cop
Yes- he killed Orrin Sanderson and pulled a gun on Axel Foley.
He used the named Richard James, working for Metalux. It was the fourth name he used... first was his undercover alias while still in Detroit, then he used his own name, but as a Beverly Hills Building Inspector, then as Johnny Wishbone with Chief Lutz.
Axel Foley was created in 1984.
Eddie Murphy returned as Axel Foley. Judge Reinhold Returned as Detective William "Billy" Rosewood. John Ashton Returned as Det. Sgt. John Taggart. Ronny Cox Returned as Cheif Andrew Bogomil. Brigitte Nielsen and Jurgen Prochnow joined the cast as the villians for this go round.
Eddie Murphy's character was Billy Ray Valentine.
"The Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song" by Flatt & Scruggs