The pilot and navigation crew, with the aid of navigational equipment.
Autopilot keeps an aircraft on course. In modern times autopilot is assisted by GPS and radar.
The Stolen Airliner was created in 1955.
The Airbus A 340 is considered to be a widebody jet airliner. A jet airliner is an airliner that it is powered by jet engines. These types of airliners are also often called jetliners.
Yes, the A 380 is an all European airliner.
X-Plane Airliner was created in 2010-02.
The nickname for the Boeing 747 airliner is Jumbo Jet.
An auto-pilot
an airliner is faster than a buggati veyron by miles the bugatti veyron is the fastestcar in the whole wide world and its speed is 275mph and an airliner is 700mph at 47000ft so the airliner will beat the bugatti badly
Of course it depends on the airplane and the seating configuration. But the largest commercial airliner in the world, the Airbus 380, can seat up to 853 people.
There is currently no commercial airliner which can travel at that speed.
Timeline of airliner bombing attacks happened in 1976.
Transair Georgia airliner shootdowns happened in 1993.