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50-500 usd

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Q: What is value of browning double auto?
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They refer to this handgun as the browning model BDA (browning double action auto) pistol.

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How do you disassemble double auto browning shotgun?

The browning web site will provide this info.

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Browning firearms automatic shotguns?

Twelvette, Double Automatic, Auto 5. Twelvett, Double Automatic, Auto 5.

What is the value of a Browning 2 shot auto?

Basically impossible to value with your description.

What is the value of a Browning 25 auto vest pocket or baby browning?

100-600 USD

What year is your Browning Double Auto with a Serial of A13546 and could it have been ordered with a poly choke?

Look and see if your Browning double auto has a number ahead of the letter A or 2 numbers ahead of the letter A.This is needed to establish the year of production.No Browning double auto could be ordered with a Polychoke,this would have been a after market installation.

What is the value of a Browning auto 5 numbered 70v72783?

Your browning auto-5 shotgun which was made in 1970 is valued at between 375-550 dollars.

What is value and manufacture date of browning double auto twelve gauge twentyweight?

Impossible to answer without a detalied description of all features, markings and the serial number.

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