

What is to instantly?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What is to instantly?
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How do you use instantly in a sentence?

I got my answer instantly. The hot chocolate was instantly prepared.

Why does water instantly freeze?

Water does not freeze instantly..

Do you need a comma after instantly?

Your answer depends on the context of the word instantly.

What is a sentence using the word instantly?

Instantly, the police appeared on the scene.

Was Patsy Cline killed instantly?

Yes, it is believed that she died instantly.

How do you use the word instantly in a sentence?

I instantly shot an arrow at the person who was about to kill me.

What is a sentence for instantly?

adams instantly ran towards hospital when his child was born.

Will this question be answered instantly?

No. For it to be instantly be answered, it would have to be answered as you type the question.

Do instantly rhyme with constantly?

No, "instantly" and "constantly" do not rhyme because they have different ending sounds. The -antly sound in "instantly" is different from the -antly sound in "constantly".

How do you Lighten Skin on Hands instantly?

I suggest putting body makeup on the hands to instantly lighting them.

Why water turn into ice instantly?

Water don't turn instantly into ice; this depends on the temperature.

Why does francium explode instantly?

Francium don't explode instantly; probably a confusion with the radioactive disintegration.