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Its some kind of kit car similar to the factory five kit car

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Q: What is the yellow sports car in the Degree deodorant commercial?
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What is the yellow gull wing car in the degree deodorant commercial?

It's most likely a CGI effect. There are elements from several different cars. It's not a mass produced car from any manufacturer. It may be an obscure kit car, probably from Europe. What the previous user means to say is "I have absolutely no idea, but can't keep my yap shut"

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You can download the Yellow Book commerical from

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The actress in the Yellow Tail wine commercial is Ellie Gonsalves. She became known as the Yellow Tail Girl after appearing in several of the brand's advertisements.

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A yellow pages is a telephone directory which lists commercial organizations, most commonly printed on yellow paper.

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Commercial plumbing companies install commercial toilets. To find commercial plumbers in your area, check the Yellow Pages or an online phone directory.

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Name for yellow fisi think the yellow one should be named Henry

Are white page telephone directory the same as yellow pages?

Yellow pages are for businesses and commercial companies and organisations. On the other hand white page telephone directories are for non-commercial listings.

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Yes Plus Fabric Softener is a household item. Yodora Deodorant is a household item. Yellow peppers are a household item.

Is that Donny Osmund with David Carridine in the yellow book commercial?

Yes it is