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the 'thrust SSC' went 750mph - ish back about a decade ago, but there are plans for the 'bloodhound SSC' to hit the 1000 mph marker next year

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Q: What is the world land speed record in a car?
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How fast is the fastest land car?

763.035 MPH is the world land speed record held by the rocket car THRUST SSC.

What is the land speed record for a rocket car?

The land record of a rocket car is 1216km per hour

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Alexander Winton set the first land speed record in auto racing in Daytona Beach in 1903. His speed was 68.18 mph.

How fast does thrust ssc go?

The Thrust SSC holds the world land speed record for fastest car, reaching a speed of 763 mph (1,227 km/h) in October 1997.

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The worlds fastest production car, the Bugatti Veyron Super sport, has a top speed of 267 mph. The land speed world record is held by the Thrustssc, it achieved a top speed of 763.035 mph.

Can a land speed car go up to 2000 mph?

i believe that the current land speed record is around 1260mph and it was set by the australlians

What was the land speed record for 1960?

the fastest land speed record in a ford car was set in a ford gt 500 kr mustang with superchargers (x6) and nitrous! it did 200 mph

What is the land speed record in a car in km per hour?

250km per hour

Is an aero tt the fastest car in the world?

Can an Aero TT go faster than approximately 700 mph, which is the current land speed record?

Is the Trust SSC the fastest car in the world?

ThrustSSC holds the World Land Speed Record, set on October 15, 1997, when it achieved a speed of 1,228 km/h (763 mph) and became the first land vehicle to officially break the sound barrier

Which is fastest car in world?

If you are wanting to know the fastest road car it is the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. If you want to know the fastest car in the world then it is the Thrust SSC which hold the current land speed record

Is a bugatti faster than a nerbering?

The Bugatti set the world land speed record for a production car in August 2010 at 431km/h (267 mph).