-13F to 122F or -25C to 50C found at http://www.lukoil.bg/pdfs_masla/e/LUKOIL_Synthetic_5w40.pdf
5w30 or 5w40 .... i think 5w40 is better
5w30 or 5w40 synthetic diesel engine oil
NO! It is too heavy an oil for the conditions the snowblower will operate under. Use 5w30 and do not use 5w40 unless you want to damage the engine.
Synthetic oil 5W40 with Renault standard RN0700/0710. Example: Elf Evolution SXR 5W40 Castrol Magnatec C3 5W40 Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 Just look for RN0700/0710 and you can't fail.
5w30 or 5w40 synthetic diesel engine oil
5w30 or 5w40 synthetic diesel engine oil
5w30 or 5w40 synthetic diesel engine oil.
-20F to +100F