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Q: What is the tax id number for progressive auto insurance?
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Is there an auto insurace tax?

Several state have and auto insurance tax. Some states do not have the tax. The federal government does not tax auto insurance. The state of Michigan imposes a six percent tax on auto insurance policies.

What Canadian auto insurance companies have more tax payers?

Canada has lots of auto insurance companies, however the company with more tax payers is State Farm Canada. Definitely a great choice for auto insurance!

What kind of insurance is tax deductible?

Insurance for one's personal property such as auto or homeowner's insurance is tax deductible. Other tax deductible insurances are medical and dental insurances.

What is a progressive tax structure?

What is Progressive Tax Structure

Is gasoline tax progressive?

No. Most gasoline tax in not progressive. It is a tax per gallon.

What is the tax stratagy where the consumer pays a higher tax rate as income increases?

a "progressive tax" A "progressive" tax system. == ==

Is an income tax a progressive shared proportional or regressive tax?

progressive shared

Do you have to report payout from auto insurance on tax return?

Not unless you claimed the damage as a loss on your tax return. only if the vehicle is used for business

The federal income tax is a _____.?

progressive tax

The federal income tax is a?

progressive tax

What type of tax is the federal income tax?

progressive tax

Is the federal income tax proportional progressive or regressive?

The federal income tax is progressive A tax that charges more for higher incomes