The "Smart Car" is a trade mark of Mercedes. Fiat makes a car that is about the same size but it can not be called a "Smart".
8.7 gallons
Tank size for that car is 15.90 gallons.
8.8 Gallons
All tank cars vary in size try to Google the car you are asking about.
smart car
When owning a car, a person should know the gas tank size of the car. The 1997 Nissan truck has a gas tank size of 15.9 gallons.
I have a 2011 Mustang and it has a 16 gallon tank.
No it runs partially on gas with a 8.7 gallon tank.
600cc petrol or 800cc diesel
It is important to know the size of the gas tank of a car being driven. The 1988 Chevy S10 has a gas tank size of 20 gallons.