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Q: What is the standard size of a parallel parking spot in a Texas drivers test?
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Is parallel parking required in Texas to get your license?


What is the distan between cones When parallel parking a road driving test in Texas?

14 ft

What is the distance between cones when parallel parking in a commercial driving road test in Texas?

100 ft

How many inches away from the curb when parallel parking in Texas?

18 inches according to transportation code 545.303

How much is the fine for parking in a handicapped zone in Texas?

In Amarillo Texas the fine is 507.00 for the first offense. This includes parking in the space and parking in the striped area next to a Handicap parking space.

When parking parallel it is best to leave the curb side wheels to inches from the curb?

In Texas, the test requires the wheels to be 6-12 inches away from the curb. It might be different in your state though!

When parking parallel it is best to leave the curb side wheels how much inches from the curb?

In Texas, the test requires the wheels to be 6-12 inches away from the curb. It might be different in your state though!

What types of drivers license are there in the state of Texas?


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Can you get a Texas drivers license with a revoked Alabama drivers license?


In what direction should you turn your wheels when parking uphill without a curb in Texas?

In what direction should you turn your wheels when parking uphill without a curb in Texas?

Can a get a Texas drivers license is your California drivers license is suspended but not expired?
