It is in fact not a squiggly line.. But a small outline of the state. This is done to combat counterfeitting and also as a tracking method.
The new plate is black and white with vertical-running security threads in the sheeting. The threads will help law officers better identify a legitimate plate from a distance.
Draw a squiggly line under the 0.
It is a line that twists and turns, not astraight line.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ is the line
I drew a squiggly line.
plates that are apportioned and have a license.
no that's a river
this is and ampersand......&
A "break"
It means congruent. It is NOT 'approximately equal', which would be an equal sigh where BOTH lines are squiggly.
A line that is drawn not straight but with lots of bends.