It's different for every state. You can prob find the info on your state's Department of Transportation website
its $270 driving over the limit.
Do not speed. Most police officers will not bother ticketing someone doing five or less miles over the speed limit.
The fine amount of a speeding ticket for 18 mph over the limit in Minnesota will depend on the jurisdiction. In most areas the fine is $148 for anything 15 mph and over.
4 points and $300
About 5 billion dollars.
In the state of Illinois, the fine for a speeding ticket will depend on your location and how fast you were over the limit. 35 miles per hour over the limit will result in a fine of $95. If it was in a school zone, the fine is $150. In a work zone it can be as high as $375.
Base fine is $200 for speeding and 5 additional dollars for every mile over. So if the speed limit is 45 and you got caught going 60, your fine would be $275 $200 + 5 X 15 = $275
Fines are normally Double for violating the speed limit in a construction zone.
In the state of Arizona, a speeding ticket for going 21 miles per hour over the speed limit will cost $550. At that point the driver can also have their license automatically suspended on the spot.
In the city of Decatur, Texas, the fine for speeding less than 25 mph over the limit is $20. Court and administrative costs are $162 which makes a total of $182.
4 points and then 20+ is 6points