The name for a region of a closed figure is the Area. offers concealed carry classes in that area.
This area is called the oropharynx.
The newest part of a clam's shell is called the periostracum. It is a thin, proteinaceous layer that covers the outermost surface of the shell to protect it from erosion and damage.
I think it's called a contigous region, or maybe a bounded area, something like that.
closed to slavery
It is a manglicized version of the French name ah-ah (or Ah! Ah!). It was possibly called this because the concealed ditch or retaining wall was a surprise. It is used to keep animals out of an area of garden while preserving the view.
Valence shell
Pressure. If this is in the open air rather than a closed vessel, it is called atmospheric pressure.
the area is that 2 dimensional space inside of the closed figure. normally specified as square centimeters or square inches
A person can locate a Shell Service Station in their area by going to their local phone book or doing a name reverse search. Other ways to locate a close Shell Station is by going to a Shell Station locator, which will map out the closest shell station to where you are located.