It was when katie went was walking home far from her home and a child molester came and told her if she needed a ride but katie lied and told him she didn't but katie knew that he was a child molester by his smile and the way he acted katie was smart for not going into the car.
The setting in Chapter 1 of "The Girl with the Silver Eyes" is a neighborhood where Katie, the main character, lives. It describes her house, the park nearby, and the other houses in the neighborhood.
"The Girl with the Silver Eyes" by Willo Davis Roberts was first published in 1980.
no sorry
katie shes of corse the main character
behind thier eyes metel is there so that gets rust and they stop working
The theme of "The Girl With the Silver Eyes" is it doesn't matter if you are different than others it matters what you are in the inside. ~Kinzy
"The Girl with the Silver Eyes" by Willo Davis Roberts "Rapunzel" by Brothers Grimm "The Golden Hair" by Andrew Lang
A girl with blue eyes
Jacqueline Wilson has blue eyes.
girl with golden eyes is about heroin
It's a poem. It doesn't have a setting.
The mousie eyes are by the silver necklace. The mouse's head is touching the silver necklace. The silver necklace is by the red purse.