Could be any number of things. You are going to have to locate the source of the rattle in order to stop it.
What causes a hard rattling knocking sound under the hood when you start your 98 ford windstar? Lack of oil, lack of oil pressure, badly worn camshaft or crankshaft or a combination of all the above.
Something Loose?
Rattling under the hood can be something easy to fix to something bad. It could be loose bolts, bearings, pulleys, or it could be interior in the motor.
There is a baby under the hood.
Hi, I had the same problem and solved it. Untie the front wheel on the passenger side, you will find the rotor protection shield hanging and hitting against the wheels when the car running, and causing this rattling sound. Remove this shield or replace it, and the sound will disappear
belt slipping?
Perhaps a vacuum leak?
Under the dash. Supposed to be. It could be under the hood.
Check your oil it could be a lifter rattle. But you should always have it diagnosed by a qualified professional like at a dealership and get an estimate. I have a 99 and an 01 that does the same thing and was told that it was a tensioner issue on both.
I had this same problem so I opened the hood and come to find out there was migit materbating under it
It could me many things. If it's a dull thud that doesn't sound very metallic check under the hood to make sure the engine cover is seated correctly, the hood prop is seated in the clip, the fuse box cover, and anything else that's loose. If it's more of a metallic sound; again check under the hood first for anything leaning against the frame - then check inside the wheel wells for anything loose. I hope that helps you track down the rattle.
It could be the camshaft synchronizer