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A car's graphic equalizer is used for the stereo. The equalizer helps you achieve a more pleasant-sounding experience from your speakers.

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Q: What is the prupose of a car graphic equalizer?
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Related questions

What company makes a car graphic equalizer for under $100?

Clarion makes a car graphic equalizer for under $100. You can find them at and

What should I know about my car graphic equalizer before trying to fix it?

You need to be qualified in Electronics, then you must find an schematic for that specific equalizer.

What is the purpose of a Computer Graphic Equalizer?

A computer graphic equalizer calculates the graphic equalizer settings on your computer. After, it gives the most realistic playback of sound, compensating for both your sound system and the acoustics of the room

Is there any software that would be a full computer audio equalizer?

Graphic Equalizer Studio 2010.

What should I know before buying a graphic equalizer for my car?

Think about how much room you will have to mount it. Also how much pwer it draws when running.

Which equalizers balance the stereo sound the best?

Using a graphic equalizer setup and calibration disc in conjunction with a decibel meter is the best way to balance your graphic equalizer so that your system has a precise, accurate sound.

What is an audio equalizer?

A graphics equalizer is a visual display of audio frequencies, broken down into small bandwidths called channels, ranging from bass (20htz) to treble (20khtz). A graphic equalizer allows you to adjust the decibel level of these channels.

What technology is used for the lights in an equalizer t shirt?

The lights in equalizer t shirts are LED lights. They have built in sound sensitive graphic equalizer panels which respond to music and sounds around the wearer.

Which car equalizer is the best for competition?

The AudioControl EQL is a competition level trunk mounted equalizer.

Where can one learn to install a car equalizer?

If you want to learn how to install a car equalizer, you should go to the website eHow which provide answers for 'How' questions, just type in the search box "How to install a car equalizer" and you will find page with all the instructions needed.

Why would one need a car audio equalizer?

If you are not happy with the sound of your car stereo, you can always buy a car audio equalizer. For the best quality sound this is a good option. It does come with a price though.

How To Install a Car Equalizer?

If the sound system in your car just doesn’t seem to blast your music loud enough for you, it might be time to think about installing a car equalizer. A car equalizer can essentially control all of the frequency bands that come along with different radio stations, CDs, and MP3s. Without a car equalizer, you would constantly be needing to change the various levels on your player. Now that you know what an equalizer is, how exactly do you get said equalizer installed into your vehicle? The first thing that is an absolute MUST is to turn off all power sources to your car. You are going to be working mostly with the wiring and the fuse boxes when you are installing your car’s equalizer, so you most assuredly don’t want to be surprised when your car has a power surge and you are working in the fuse box. Now you are going to want to decide where you want the equalizer to be in your car. Most people are going to put them on the dashboard because it gives them an easy place to adjust the equalizer as needed. If your equalizer did not come with some form of mounting piece, you may have to use a makeshift holder to get it to stay on your dashboard. Once you have the car equalizer mounted, you will need to take some 16-gauge wire and plug it in to the panel of fuses where it says power in. You’re then going to be able to hook the main unit of your stereo system to the equalizer by running a wire from the stereo to the equalizer. You will need to remove the covering at the end of the wire that turns your unit on as well as removing the covering from the end of the wire you plugged into the equalizer. Tape these two pieces of wire together with black electrical tape. Next, you are going to need to relay the wire for turning the system on. The RCA cables originating from the main unit are going to need to be connected to the outlets of the amplifier. Take these cables so that you are putting the equalizer and the amplifier cables together. From the outlets of the amplifier, you will need to run the RCA cables to the inlets of the equalizer. After you’ve completed all of these steps, just put the main unit back into the dash, turn your equalizer on, and enjoy a most stable music experience.