Check your master cylinder, if it is still full or even partially full after you have tried the brake pedal several times, it's probably the master cylinder. if either side of cylinder reservoir is empty then you have a leak somewhere. Fill up the reservoir and pump the brakes several times and see if fluid is leaking. If fluid leaks at back of master cylinder then replace that. Also check the inside of the rear backing plates for evidence of wetness from a leaky wheel cylinder (rear drum brakes).
Brake booster problem?
Actually if the fluid is coming down the clutch pedal it is probably your clutch master cylinder going bad or the seal around it. No worries it is a cheap fix. If it is coming down the clutch pedal it has nothing to do with your brakes. Some people well most use brake fluid for the clutch.
When you press and hold the brake pedal it will slowly move to the floor. It can also have a catastrophic failure and go straight to the floor with no stopping ability at all. If you hold the brake pedal down and it slowly moves to the floor any at all, replace the master cylinder.
Mine did. Not completely shut down, but would make no more than 25 mph with the pedal on the floor. Turns out the butterfly valve of the "Jake brake" was sticking. Turn off the Jake brake and the problem goes away.
Push down the brake pedal then try to start it.
You don't have brake fluid There could be air in the system and it requires bleeding to rid it of air. If the vehicle is an older one, the master cylinder may be porus or the bore pitted. It should be resleeved or replaced. The seals could also be flat. Jam your foot down hard on the brake pedal. Is the pedal high? Does it sink to the floor if you rest your foot lightly on the pedal?
press down firmly on the brake pedal and keep holding down the brake pedal
Sounds like you have a problem with your brake light switch under the dash, mounted on your brake pedal metal arm assembly. I know if I get my head down near the brake pedal and push the pedal with my hand I can hear a loud click noise when the brake lights come on. I'm not a mechanic, but I've wondered if the brake fluid level is down in the master cylinder, does the brake pedal drop enough for the brake light switch to turn on the brake lights ?
If there is no resistance when you do this you are likely to have air in the brake lines or you have lost your break fluid. (Don't drive you car with faulty breaks).
Get down on the floor board and look up at the brake pedal arm. You will see a switch that the arm hits when no pressure is applied to the brake. Twist the switch and adjust so when you barely touch the pedal the brake lights come on.
You might not be holding the brake pedal down hard enough or there may be a problem with that gear.
The brake's Master Cylinder may have a problem - see your mechanic to repair this dangerous problem : do not drive this vehicle until repaired .