The prefix for the word "author" is "auto-".
No, auto is a root word. It means of self.
yes auto
"Auto" is a prefix and an abbreviation. It has now been in use as a word by itself.Auto can meana motor vehicle with four wheels (automobile)without the effort or intervention of a human, as in auto-pilot in a plane or auto-transmission in a car (here it is used as a prefix)
The word auto is a noun, a common, singular, concrete noun. The word auto comes from the word automobile. Auto is also a prefix (meaning 'self') for many words such as automatic, autograph, or autobiography;
Ones means "self" automobile lit. suited for moving self, autocrat lit. self govern or rule. (auto- is not necessarily a prefix but more a word part)
the prefix for selfish can be unselfish, but this word usually just has suffix
auto is the prefix of autocrat
It means Self.Self,Same
In means cAr or trucks
Most of the time this is not a prefix of a suffix. Biography is a root word, in fact. prefixes can be added to it such as the word auto-biography. suffixes can also be added such as biograph-ical. So mostly the word biography is a root.
In medical terms, the prefix "auto-" means self.The prefix auto means self.