it was called a truck patch before trucks were invented! so why call it a truck patch ?
It is a garden grown for sale in the market. Most of the time farmers have 2 patches. Your own personal patch or vegetable garden for yourself and the truck patch or truck garden is the one you sell to the market.
The phrase was noted in 1765 as an American expression, meaning 'a present for which an equivalent return is expected'
This is all I found, i hope it helps, it is from the 1950s. not much right? sorry:(
orgin texture is granite
The correct phrase is 'were it not' - as in.. 'Were it not for the fact I found a damp patch, I would not have realised the radiator was leaking.'
The orgin fo the name nile is English.
Is defined as the distance and direction from the orgin to an
The person is called Terra and i do not know their orgin.
Body parts similar in orgin and structure?
orgin of the last name Guardiola came from catalana
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This meant an ill-tempered person. They were cross or angry.
Yes, you wouldn't want to use a patch for a bicycle tube on a truck tire.