Since you are obviously at a computer, you can find the exact number you need easier than we can - lists many GMAC 800 numbers. Try one and ask for legal department. They should be able to help.
You should contact GMAC directly. I found the link for the contact information: Refer to your GMAC account department.
GMAC's corporate phone number is (800) 200-4622. The people answering the phone are NOT in the US
What is the address for GMAC
800 200 4622
GMAC Insurance was created in 1939.
GMAC ResCap's population is 14,000.
How do u get a lien release from gmac
The 1985 S10 Blazer GMAC Êoffers a delay wiper on the black cruise control lever. ÊThe part number is AM-64109149.
GMAC Real Estate was created in 1998.