wikianswers should know this already im getting tired of this website not having all the right answers you want. This is a crapy website.
Bumblebee of course!!!
The variant's name was Goldbug. He was introduced as a powered-up version of Bumblebee in the later Transformers series.
i think you mean bumblebee and his name is sam (shia labuff). i dont care if i spelled his name wrong.
in transformers cybertron robots in disguise it was hotshot
the yellow transformer in transformers is called bumblebee
AUTOBOTS:Optimus Prime (Leader of Autobots)Bumblebee (The yellow and blck camero: Sams car)JazzIronhideRatchetDECEPTICONS:Megatron ( Leader of Decepticons)StarscreamFrenzyBlackoutBarricadeScorponokBrawlBonecrusher
Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Sideswipe, Skids and Mudflap (The Twins), Volt, Arcee, Jetfire
Pretty Handsome Awkward, by The Used
Sadly, Transformers aren't real. But, Bumblebee in most certainly a 'Transformer.' The real name for a 'Transformer' is Cybertronian.