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Q: What is the name of ben 10s grandpas car?
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Does ben roethlisberger have a mom and a dad?

Yes, his father's name is Ken, and his mother's name was Ida. His mother died from car accident related injuries when Ben was eight.

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2009 dodge challenger

A car travels 6000m in 10s find the speed of the car?

The speed of the car can be calculated using the formula: Speed = Distance / Time. In this case, the distance traveled is 6000m and the time taken is 10s. So, the speed of the car is 600 m/s.

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the stig is former race car driver and stuntman BEN COLLINS

What episode does Ben 10 get his car?

Ben had a car in Ben 10 Alien Swarm (Season 3 Episode 10).. But in further episodes it was not shown. Ben has got a car from begining of Ultimate Alien Series.

Where can I find a cLassy rental car?

It is very possible to rent a nice, fancy car for the use of one week. Classic Car Rental offers a variety of classy and luxurious vehicles which will meet the needs of grandmas or grandpas.

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Ben Alexander

Who are Ben Roethlisberger's parent's?

Ben Roethlisberger's father is named Ken and his mother was named Ida. His parents divorced when he was very young and his father remarried. His stepmothers name is Brenda. Ben's mom died when he was eight years old from injuries sustained in a car accident.

What is the best 6 seat car?

The best 6 seater car depends on how much you are willing to spend and how much space you need in the car e.g Grandpas would need more space than teenagers. The Volvo is superior if you are willing to spend around £14 thousand - £16 thousand.

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What kind of car does Ben drive?

Cadillac Escalade