Answer A car's dashboard, is sometimes known as a HUD, AKA Head Up Display, otherwise, as far as i am aware, a dashboard is a dashboard.
no but on some cars
Needs a service
The fuse box in newer cars, is located in the engine compartment. The fuse box and older cars is located beneath the dashboard. The dashboard light fuse will be in the fuse box.
Another name for car dashboard is control panel.
Pictures of dashboard lights can be found online with an image search. They can also be found in the cars owners manual.
in must cars is located in the dashboard on the passenger side
They are safer because a person hitting the dashboard has a padding.
For the heater core. All cars have them.
The bass player for Dashboard Confessional is Scott Shoenbeck.
Some cars have a knob for the headlights. If this knob is turned left or right when pulled out, it changes the brightness of the dashboard lights from off to full brightness.
what cars are registered on my name and i do not know
usually if youre looking at the car, it will be in the bottom right on the dashboard of the car, look through the windshield.