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Q: What is the most dangerous driving situation which produces multiple car crashes daily?
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The most dangerous driving situation and the one which produces multiple car crashes daily i?


Why are car crashes more dangerous than trip and fall accidents?

Car crashes usually involve speed.

Daytime Multiple vehicle crashes accounts for of all police-reported crashes in the US?

One half

Is auto racing or boat racing more dangerous?

In my opinion, boat racing is more dangerous. There are more auto racing crashes each year, but far more walk away uninjured from auto crashes than boat racing crashes.

How many people were injured in multiple vehicle crashes in 2004?

In 2004, there were approximately 1.7 million people injured in multiple-vehicle crashes in the United States.

How do you use the word crashes in a sentence?

He looked at her. And than she crashes her car into another!

What percentage of car occupant deaths occur in multiple vehicle crashes?


What percentage of car occupant deaths occur in multiple-vehicle crashes?


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it is easy for the pilot to mess up and the plane crashes to the ground and explodes

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Toad crashes his car multiple times in "The Wind in the Willows," as he is a reckless driver. Throughout the story, his crashes land him in trouble and lead to humorous and adventurous situations for him and his friends.

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watch 32 is a dangerous site it crashes even my new computer I recommend megashare it is completely safe