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Well that would be electricity or Godzilla.

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Q: What is the most common source of ignition for fires?
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Related questions

What Are the common denominators in most fires?

Common denominators in most fires include the presence of oxygen, a fuel source such as wood or gasoline, and sufficient heat to ignite the fuel. Without these key elements, a fire cannot start or sustain itself.

Where do fires mostly occur?

Fire devils or firewhirls are most common in areas that get large, intense brush fires and forest fires.

What are four common sources of fire?

The two most common sources of home fires are small heaters and fires that start in the kitchen during cooking. Another common cause is faulty electrical wiring. The fires that cause the most deaths start from carlessness with cigarettes.

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Firewhirls are most common in semiarid regions where intense fires are common.

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The electrical wiring in a car can cause fires. However, the most serious fires in modern automobiles are caused by leaking fuel lines.

One of the most common causes of fires in the home and workplace is?

One of the most common causes of fires in the home and workplace is electrical malfunctions, such as faulty wiring or overloaded circuits. It is important to regularly inspect and maintain electrical systems to reduce the risk of fires.

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what source of power is the most common world wide

Can fire be started by oil?

Yes. More correctly, oil can catch fire if it is hot enough or there is an ignition source and there is sufficient oxygen. Interestingly, most oil spills are not accompanied by fires. Many spills are small, and quickly brought under control.

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Glucose is the most common energy source in cellular respiration.

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The most common source of fluoride in daily life is toothpaste.