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Throwing your alignment out or busting a hole in the oil pan or losing a hubcap or blowing out a tire or bending a rim.

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Q: What is the most common problem from hitting a giant pothole?
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The Giant Anteater is it's common name. It's scientific name although is: Myrmecophaga tridactyla

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The 8-letter "opposite gender" of a male giant is "giantess." (There is no common 8-letter antonym to a giant or to the adjective giant.)

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No. The giant squid is a common predator for whales.

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Is giant a common noun?

Well, darling, "giant" is indeed a common noun. It's not some fancy-schmancy proper noun like Beyoncé or Buckingham Palace. A giant is just a big ol' creature, not some one-of-a-kind superstar or famous landmark. So yes, "giant" is as common as a cup of tea on a rainy day.

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