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50% is the minimum legal efficiency for vehicle first used on or after the 1st of January 1968. Before that date the minimum is 40%.

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Q: What is the minimum legal efficiency for a vehicles foot brake?
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Minimum legal efficiency for the vehicles footbrake?

what is the minimum legal efficiency for a vehicles footbrake what is the minimum legal efficiency for a vehicles footbrake

What is the minimum legal brake efficiency hand brake?

im not for sure there is a legal minimum but i tighting them to 3 to 4 clicks and the car shouldn't go any where

What is the minimum thickness of brake rotors?

It is the safe and legal minimum thickness allowed for a brake rotor.

What is the minimum tread depth on a passenger vehicles tire?

In most of the USA, the legal minimum is 2/32 inch.

Does Ohio law require new rotors when changing brake pads?

There is a legal minimum thickness for all rotors.

How many brake lights do you need?

You need a minimum of 2 brake lights, So if your car has 3 brake lights and one goes out, you are still legal. Some cars do not come equipped with 3 brake lights but others do such as a honda civic with a spoiler light do.

What is the Legal minimum rear brake pad thickness Alfa Romeo?

I would replce at about 4mm to keep the pad from comming off the backing plate and causing damage.

What is the minimum legal barrel for a 22 rifle?

Sixteen inches is the legal minimum for ALL rifles in the U.S.

Can you go on a motorway with a vespa?

Some motorways require that the vehicles on it have at least 5 horsepower. Other than that, if the Vespa can maintain the minimum posted speed limit, it should be legal, if not dangerous.

What type of insurance must you have on a vehicle with 4 or more wheels?

In California, 4 wheeled vehicles require a minimum liability of 15/30/5. Vehicles with 5 or more wheels are probably not street legal here unless in use by the military and they self insure.

What is the requirement of CC and seat height or is their any at all for a motocycle to be street legal if it has turn signals and brake lights and head lights is it street legal as long as you are?

This answer will vary state to state, provided you live in the US, for the requirements at your local Department of Motor Vehicles.

What is the Minimum interest you have to report on 1040?

No legal all is reportable