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six inches

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Q: What is the minimum ground clearance for a street legal car?
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what is the minimum legal efficiency for a vehicles footbrake what is the minimum legal efficiency for a vehicles footbrake

What states are Polaris street legal?

they are not street legal

Are ATVs street legal in Illinois?

No they are not street legal.

How old do you have to be to drive a street legal mini chopper on local roads in Minnesota?

There is no minimum age for a passenger, but the driver is responsible for the safety of the rider.

Is it legal to ride a ATV on the street in MI?

NO! ATV's are not street legal.

Can you convert dirt bike to street in NJ?

Here in NJ we buy them street-ready.. I have never heard of anyone "converting" one to street-legal status, but i suppose if it were to pass inspection it would be legal. I think it needs to meet minimum power requirements though (at least 250cc 2-stroke, or 450cc 4-stroke).

Is a bugatti street legal?

Yes, it is the fastest street legal car in the world.

When did Street Legal - game - happen?

Street Legal - game - happened in 2002.

When was Street Legal - game - created?

Street Legal - game - was created in 2002.

What games are like street legal racing?

nothing is like street legal

Are pocket bikes street legal?

No, they do not have all the specifications of a legal mode of transportation. In almost every state its illegal to ride them on "Public Roads" because they don't meet specific specifications. You can however ride them on "private roads". Since they are not street legal you do not need insurance or a license to ride them so that�s a plus. Besides they are too low to the ground to be street legal and safe to ride on public roads.

What is the minimum legal barrel for a 22 rifle?

Sixteen inches is the legal minimum for ALL rifles in the U.S.