I am a math scholar who teaches at Ohio State University, it means giraffe.
riddle is a brainteasing questions that has double meaning.
h2o or water
No, a riddle is a word puzzle. An idiom is a phrase whose meaning cannot be discovered by context.
"i love you"
Bugtong or riddle is a question intentionally phrased and requires ingenuity in determining its answer. This can also be a statement that has a double meaning. The riddle is commonly presented as a game.
As I understand it, a metaphore is a riddle used to teach something, or with a hidden meaning.
puthir - vidukathai- riddle,puzzle,guess
It used to be: "What is the meaning of life" but now it is: "Is this a harmful question?"
please can you answer this riddle for me?
"The answer to my riddle" is not specific....Whose riddle? What riddle?