Overfinch is actually a company that produces feature-enhanced Range Rovers for things like offroad competitions. So when you hear about a truck being "overfinched" it has been customized in a special manner, probably with regards to its performance.
Overfinch was created in 1975.
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'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning
'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning
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For the present continuous form "is meaning" or "are meaning," the past continuous form are "was meaning" and "were meaning."(For the verb to mean, the simple past tense is meant.)
The first meaning of a word is referred to as "denotative meaning". This is the dictionary definition. The second meaning of a word is referred to as "connotative meaning". This is not in the dictionary.