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Q: What is the meaning of implicit policy?
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What does implicit meaning mean in English?

absolute complete

What is the difference between implicit and explicit objects?

Explicit means properly and clearly declared.....will give you the full meaning Implicit means not properly defined....will not give you the exact meaning ....

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one could be implicit

What is implicit policy?

Implicit policy refers to the unwritten or unspoken rules, norms, or expectations within an organization that influence behavior and decision-making. These policies are not formally documented but are still influential in shaping company culture and operations.

What is empict and implict?

Implicit is were a meaning or a condition is implied but not stated. Explicit is where the meaning or condition is directly stated.

If a meaning is not explicitly stated in the text it may be characteriaed as what?

If a meaning is not explicitly stated in the text, it may be characterized as implicit. Implicit meanings are suggested or implied rather than directly stated. Readers need to make inferences based on the context to understand the implied meaning.

Can anyone think of a implicit and explicit meaning for the movie knocked up?

The implicit meaning of "Knocked Up" is that unprotected sex can lead to unwanted pregnancies, while the explicit meaning is that people can change.

What is the difference between implicit and explicit meaning?

It's simple the reader infers details that are implied by the text,Explicit means clearly expressed or readily observable where as Implicit means implied or expressed indirectly.

What are implicit statements?

Implicit statements are ideas or messages that are not directly stated but can be inferred from context or underlying meanings. They rely on subtlety and interpretation by the listener or reader to understand the implied meaning.

What is explicit data and implicit data?

Explicit data is data that is clearly stated or defined, while implicit data is implied or hinted at. Explicit data is typically straightforward and directly provided, whereas implicit data requires context or interpretation to understand its meaning. In the context of programming, explicit data is data that is clearly declared and specified, while implicit data is data that is inferred or derived.

What is the implicit meaning of a text?

The implicit meaning of a text refers to the underlying messages, themes, or suggestions that are not explicitly stated but can be inferred by the reader through analysis of the text's content, context, and subtext. It requires readers to interpret and draw conclusions based on their understanding of the text and its symbols, imagery, and language.

What is another word or meaning of policy?

There is lots of answers to this but the meaning of Policy means a general plan of action.