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Q: What is the meaning of a yellow front door?
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The peephole frame is on the inside of Monica and Rachae's front door.

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Continue with the game and eventually he will fall asleep and will not be in front of the door.

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It is an indicator light to signify a door is open.

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with the flute you have go in front of the minotaurs door and play ( colors blue, blue, green, yellow, yellow, red, blue, green )

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Food,The light attracts bugs

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How do you say front door in French?

The front door is "la porte de devant" in French.

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Can the word front be used as adjective?

Yes. Example sentence: Please open the front door. Front is an adjective describing door.

On panfu what is the corrett way through the path on the ice diamond quest?

Well it is like stairs start on the very left and go up : Blue, Yellow ,Red,Yellow,Blue,Red. When your done you should be right in front of the door

How do you open door 27?

The door eats yellow, blue,red, then green