Around 131 km/h / 81 mph.
The maximum speed of the 1961 Pontiac Tempest is 115 mph.
The maximum speed of the 1961 Fiat 600 4 cycle 28 HP is 78 mph.
The maximum speed of the Isard 300 2cyl 15hp 1961 is 90 miles per hour.
The maximum speed of the 1961 Fiat 600 4 cycle 28 HP is 78 mph.
The maximum speed of the Volvo 122 s 4cyl 85hp 1961 is 92 mph.
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the 1961 Valiant Wagon is 4,800 rpm and 125 mph respectively.
The maximum speed of the jeep DKW 3CYL 50 HP 1961 is 160 km per hour.
The maximum speed of the Lancia Appia 4cyl 64hp 1961 is 130 km per hour.
The maximum speed of the 1961 Citroen 2 CV 2 cycle 12 HP is 49 mph.
The maximum speed of the Citroen 2 cv 2cyl 12hp 1961 is 160 km per hour.
The maximum speed of the Valiant 1 manual 6cyl 101hp 1961 is 180 km per hour.