With the manual 3 or 4 speed trans, 103 mph.With the 2 speed auto trans, 101 mph.
250 bhp (253 PS/186 kW) is the power of the Chevrolet caprice sedan automatic 1972 engine and its maximum speed is 93 mph.
The maximum speed of a the 1972 Chevrolet C70 truck is 76 mph.
The maximum speed of the Buick Riviera sedan automatic 8cyl 250hp is 115 mph.
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the 1972 Triumph Dolomite Sedan are 58.2 bhp and 163 km/h (101 mph) respectively.
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the 1972 Imperial LeBaron Sedan Automatic are 168 kW and 197 mp respectively.
170 kph
100 HP at 1800 rpm is the power of the Chevrolet van 1972 engine and its maximum speed is 65 mph (105 km/h).
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the 1972 Pick-up Chevrolet Silverado automatic are 322 hp and 96mph respectively.
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the 1972 Chevrolet Vega Wagon Automatic are 110 hp (82 kW) and 90 mph respectively.
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the 1972 Pick-up Chevrolet Cheyenne automatic are 300 hp and 60 mph respectively.
The approximate maximum speed of the 1972 Chevrolet 400 with a diesel, 4 cylinder, 45 HP engine was 79 miles per hour.
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the Chevrolet impala coupe automatic 1972 is 165 bhp (167 PS/123 kW) at 4000 rpm and 169 km/h or 105 mph respectively.