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'The man washed the car'

is a sentence.

In this sentence the:

subject = man
verb = washed
object = car

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Q: What is the man washed the car is it a objective or subject or verb?
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What is the past participle of the verb to wash?

The past participle of the verb "to wash" is "washed."

What is a pronoun in objective case your you you mine?

The personal pronoun 'you' functions as both subjective and objective case.Examples:You may have a piece of cake. (subject of the sentence)I'll cut a slice for you. (object of the preposition 'for')The possessive adjective 'your' can describe a subject or an object noun.Examples:Your jersey is in the dryer. (describes the subject noun 'jersey')Fold the clothes when you take your jersey out of the dryer. (describes the direct object of the verb 'take')The possessive pronoun 'mine' functions as both subjective and objective case.Examples:Mine is the red car at the end of the row. (subject of the sentence)While your car is in the shop, we can use mine. (direct object of the verb 'can use')

How can you tell if the noun clause is objective or subjective?

A noun clause is considered objective when it functions as the direct object of a verb or as the object of a preposition. It is considered subjective when it functions as the subject of a sentence or clause. To determine its classification, identify its position within the sentence and its function in relation to the verb.

Is washes a verb?

I would think so. "She washes the car" - Washes is the verb. "She washed the car" - Washed is the verb. "She is washing the car" - Washing is the verb. So the infinitive 'wash' can be altered in a sense to fit the tense or the way in which it is said and fits in a sentence.

What is the simple subject a noun verb adjective adverb or preposition?

A simple subject is a noun or a pronoun.A complete subject can be a noun, a pronoun, a noun phrase, or a noun clause.Examples:Bob washed the car today.The noun 'Bob' is the simple subject.The noun 'Bob' is the complete subject.My brother Bob washed the car today.The noun 'Bob' is the simple subject.The noun phrase 'my brother Bob' is the complete subject.Bob and Bill washed the car today.The noun phrase 'Bob and Bill' is a compound simple subject.The noun phrase 'Bob and Bill' is the complete subject.My brothers Bob and Bill washed the car today.The noun phrase 'Bob and Bill' is a compound simple subject.The noun phrase 'my brothers Bob and Bill' is the complete subject.They washed the car today.The pronoun 'they' is the simple subject.The pronoun 'they' is the complete subject.What she wants is her car washed.The pronoun 'what' is the simple subject.The relative clause 'what she wants' is the complete subject.

What is the active voice in the sentence the car was washed?

[Some one] washed the car. You need an active subject to use active voice. Who did the washing? That person should be the actor in the sentence.

What part of speech is wash?

Wash can be used as a verb and a noun.Verb: I washed my car yesterday.Noun: It needed a good wash.

You still owe me for the work that I did on your car last summer What is the subject and what is the verv?

You have a compound sentence. (You) is the subject. (Still owe) is the verb. (That) is the conjunction. (I) is the subject. (Did) is the verb.

What does subject and verb in a sentence have to do?

They have to agree. If you have a plural subject tehn you have a plural verb form. eg subject - They plural verb form - have eg They have a new car. subject - She singular verb form - has eg She has a new car subject - We plural verb form - like eg We like ice cream subject - He plural verb form - likes eg He likes ice cream

What is a subject in a sentence?

A subject in a sentence is what the topic is or what the sentence is talking about. Not really. The subject is the person or thing that is doing the action (verb). My brother bought a new car. Who bought the car? My brother, he is the one that did the action/verb (buy) he is the subject. We always go to the cinema on Tuesdays. Subject is we.

Is correct sentence Her brother's car?

No, "Her brother's car" is not a sentence, it is a noun phrase; it has no verb. For example:Her brother's car is new. (the noun phrase is the subject of the verb 'is')She's driving her brother's car. (the noun phrase is the direct object of the verb 'driving')

What is the simple subject of this sentence The big gray car drove away?

The Car. A simple subject is the who or what that is doing the verb without any description. So I am pretty sure it is the car.