The load would be a vehicle's payload. That's the sum of two numbers: passenger carrying capacity and cargo capacity.
by the load of the car
I will load the car. The truck's load is too heavy. Load the wheel barrow with plants. The load limit is 4,000 lbs. per axle.
Have it load tested by a shop, most parts stores will load test your battery and alternator for free.
The trunk In England, the boot
no, only heavy load trucks.
Ground is to floor as is scare
It is basically the work the motor is doing. In your car the motor turns the crankshaft which in turn moves the car. The resistance applied by the crankshaft against the job of the motor to turn it, represents the load.
The maximum safe femur load, according to SAE is the allowable injury assessment value. The maximum femur load is 2250 lbs.
Parasytic load - clock memory, computer memory, alarm sensors
its is mentioned in the glove box of the car. Full load its 33psi and with half load 30 psi
50 ft