Teresa Green
How much limo drivers make depends on where they work and their experience. Limo drivers usually make a specific amount per hour and also get tips.
There are websites dedicated to limo drivers and discussion boards also. Try Limo-Drivers, Limo Service, Employment Guide, Career Advice and Limosousines Online.
You can find cars for hire in Philadelphia from companies such as Philly VIP Limo, All American Coach, King Limo, Secrets Limo and Dave's Best Limo Service. These are all limo companies that also have cars with drivers for hire.
eptlimousine is one of the most efficient limo service that I can recommend in Houston. You can choose the limo that you want to use and the drivers serve so well.
Licensed limo drivers are hired by limo companies. Contact everyone you can and about job opportunities. Check the classified ads as well.
White Supremacists. The name of the episode was "The Limo."
Salesmen, truck drivers and limo drivers. Commercial Airline piolets, Real Estate Loan officers. Fire men.
No. Although she did learn how to drive, she always hired limo drivers.
I guess so because in the video my date with Justin bieber he drove the limo.
As far as federal regulations go, no. However, some states have a 'chauffeur's licence' or special class of licence they require taxi drivers, limo drivers, etc. to have. You would need to inquire with your state's Department of Motor Vehicles to determine if this is the case with your state or not.
Limos can take you almost anywhere in the us/world, depending on the network of drivers and the fleets affiliates. I found this site vehive.com that compares different limo services from across the US and lets you book right from the site