Several million miles based on how it is maintained. Usually requires an engine rebuild every 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 mi.
Who invented the Semi-truck?
If the semi truck knocked on the garbage truck, yes.
You will get injured or you will end in the hospital for the rest of your life.
A vehicle with 18 wheels is commonly known as a "semi-truck" or "tractor-trailer."
There is no prefix in truck.
Tom Nelson invented the semi truck in 1945
The chassis of a semi truck.
Alexander Winton, in Cleveland, Ohio invented the semi-truck in 1898 and sold his first manufactured semi-truck in 1899.
its a semi
You can look into semi truck leasing from companies such as Penske and Ryder. You can also look in the yellow pages for your area and find local companies that do semi truck leasing as well.