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Q: What is the law on the use of car seats in MD?
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How many seats are in an MD 90?

153 (2 class) 172 (1 class)

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Can you buy a car in Pennsylvania if you live in MD?

Wrong category, but I will answer. Of course you can. Make sure you have the title, and get insurance for the drive back to MD, and get temporary tags or in transit tags. When you get to MD, register the car.

How do you abbreviate Maryland?

MD"The standard two letter abbreviation for the state of Maryland is MD."Actually, MD is the Postal Service's two-letter state code. If you want to mail a letter to Maryland, use MD; otherwise, use Md. In general, don't use the two-letter Postal Service codes in normal writing!The abbreviation for the state of Maryland is MD.

What is the name of a Pediatric Cardiologist in Seattle, WA?

Look into the Pediatric Cardiologists of Seattle Children's Hospital. There names are: Yuk Law MD, Kimberly Krabill MD, Robert Mazor MD, Terrance Chun MD, Peter Hesslein MD, Mauley Shaw MD and Jack Salerno MD.

What are the Emancipation law in MD?

Maryland does not appear to have an emancipation statute.

Is there an Attractive nuisance law in Maryland?

No md does not follow this doctrine

Can a CA car with MD sticker be towed?

Any car can be towed regardless of stickers

How far is it from Hagerstown MD to Thermont MD?

Use google maps

Do you use MD or do you put periods after the M and D?

I use MD, without periods after the M and D.

Is it legal to sit in a car on a car dolly or car carrier while transporting car in CA and MD?

that's not legal anywhere