"Personal opinion is Geico, however, statistically speaking this may be wrong. Farmers insurance is extremely cheap and has always been reliable to me as well."
Statefarm insurance based in Bloomington Illinois is the highest rated at the time.
Any Insurance company that has an AM Best A+ rating. That's the highest rating a company can get and almost all of them do.
The website Top Tens lists a number of online insurance companies. For car insurance they rated Liberty Mutual as the best, while for health insurance they rated Allstate Insurance Company as number 1.
The car insurance company, Nation Wide, offers the highest rated teenage car insurance on the market. The company prides themselves in making sure each driving teen is safe.
One of the highest rated companies for senior life insurance would be the Senior Life Insurance company. They have information on the following website: http://www.seniorlifeinsurancecompany.com/.
The highest rated car insurance companies in California are the major companies. This includes Allstate and State Farm car insurance companies.
New York Life is the largest mutual insurance company with over $14 billion in surplus, and was rated the highest financial ratings from the major rating agencies. it was reaffirmed twice in the year of 2009.
The best rated insurance company would greatly depend on the type of insurance one is inquiring about as well as the country one is located. As an example, in the United States the best rated auto insurance company is USAA according to MSN Money.
The cheapest and highest rated hotels that are located in Oldham, United Kingdom, include hotels like Premier Inn Oldham Central, The Victoria Hotel, and Best Western Hotel Smokies Park.
Many company have this distinction so the only way to choose is to call and get their quotes. Some places to go is www.classicarinsurance.com, www.geico.com and www.statefarm.com.
Antec and Coolermaster are among the highest rated case makers.