There is no general cost or average. It all depends on the make, model, and engine of the vehicle. It also depends if there was any damage done to the head or the engine itself.
The exact cost to repair a blown head gasket on a Jeep Cherokee varies. It should run between 20 and 40 dollars.
It will cost about 1000 dollars to about 1500 dollars to repair a blown head gasket depending on the type of vehicle you own. This can also vary by location and damage done to the vehicle.
Cost of gasket + cost of labor = your your local shop and ask.
Do you like the car? Can you replace the car for cost of repair? How long do you plan on keeping the car? What is general condition of vehicle?
standard cost for Ford Fiesta repair is around £450 unless you know a good mechanic who will do it for cheap?!
How much is Whitney Houston casket cost
Whitney Houston's casket cost around $25,000.
The cost to buy a golden casket varies depending on what kind of golden casket and what preference. It could be up to 10,000 dollars and higher depending on the kind.
If you do it yourself about $40.00.If you take it to a garge about $450.00
Somewhere around 500$ if done at a garage.
$100.00 if you do it yourself, $1500.00 for a mechanic to do it.