40:1 will work for all those type engines it just needs enough oil to lube the cylinder walls is all
40:1 owner's manual for a homelite st 185 trimmer says 32:1
40 to 1
ya mums uncles greatgrandfathers dogs brother in law
Gas/Oil Ratio = 32:1 Plug = DJ-7Y Gap = .025"
32:1 (4 oz. oil to 1 gallon of gas)
Homelite's oil is a 50:1 mix ratio. Just buy a bottle of two stroke oil made to mix with a gallon of gas (a common packing style) and use it as is.
well, you must first have knowledge of weed wackers. call me if you need help. 678-434-8521
50:1 ratio. Or simply put - 2.6 oz of 2 stroke oil mixed with one U.S. gallon of unleaded gasoline.
50:1 gas to 2 cycle oil.