Check your user manual or the dealer that sells your brand. The mix could be 1:32, 1:40, or 1:50.
what is the gas/oil mix for the 24cc weed trimmer by craftsman
32:1 (4 oz. oil to 1 gallon of gas)
40 to 1
Homelite's oil is a 50:1 mix ratio. Just buy a bottle of two stroke oil made to mix with a gallon of gas (a common packing style) and use it as is.
Gas/Oil Ratio = 32:1 Plug = DJ-7Y Gap = .025"
No 4 cycle motors have oil reservoir an 2 cycle motors you mix your with the gas (unless the 2 cycle motor is injected then you would put oil in a tank.) Hope this helps
2 cycle oil. mix 2.6 ounces per gallon of gas
I do20/1 and runs good
40:1 owner's manual for a homelite st 185 trimmer says 32:1
ya mums uncles greatgrandfathers dogs brother in law
regular 87 unleaded gas from any gas station. if it is a 4cycle then you will not have to mix gas and oil, only 2 cycle engines require mixing the oil and gas. (this is the same for edgers, weed whacker (weed eaters) any kind of gas powered lawn equipment.